Blog entry by Janis Chevalier

โดย Janis Chevalier - วันพฤหัสบดี, 16 มกราคม 2025, 7:55AM

Book tracks: Nicolas Devilder and "Obeaux" for operational Auteuil

He plays in the big leagues coming to Auteuil and yet Nicolas Devilder only, without it being pejorative, permission to lead. Connoisseurs, Casino Slots Review his label necessarily talking about: Casino Slots Review the Obeaux. Meeting with an enthusiast who decide to change their lives 12 years ago. Originally from the North of France, Nicolas Devilder is first in textiles and has a spinning company. The passion for horses is sent by his father but the eventing that reigns in the family.

The contest-racing transition is done nicely. It was 30 years ago almost to the day, Nicolas Devilder presents its former full mate in the race, the first starting is validated. To change your life, Casino Slots Review change area. Spouses Devilder move in Anjou. First near Meslay-du-Maine and in the Region Lion d'Angers . The property is now 85 hectares where 16 broodmares, Casino Slots Review yearlings and 2 years are dispatched. With a fresh start at age 48, Nicolas Devilder no regrets "I'm happy to have done late, I have five children I could raise them properly, with horses job is still fluctuating enough, I'm not sure that the quality of life would be the same, " he added in stride ," I am happy to do what I do but for my wife it was not easy.